
This Blog will explore and explain the way technology is developing around us and how it will have effects on our futures and that of future generations.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chevy Mi-Ray Roadster Hybrid

One of the most recent concepts of the future is our concern of the pollution of Ozone and the use of gasoline. Today car companies are working towards making cars that do not require the use of gasoline and that use alternate fuel sources. Concepts are being created and debuted all around the world and using alternate fuel sources such as water, electricity, and hydrogen instead of gasoline which is the most common fuel source and leading to pollution around the world. The Chevy Mi-Ray Roadster is one of the many concept cars of the future which focuses its use on an alternate fuel source in attempt to exclude the use of gasoline. The Chevrolet Mi-Ray still uses gasoline for long distance trips but its focus is on the two electric motors which power the front two wheels for use in urban environments to reduce harmful gasses released from the exhaust.

Chevrolet however is not the only company working towards this goal of reducing the use of gasoline in transportation of the future. Nearly all car company around the world has engineers focused on a common goal of ridding the need of gasoline in their vehicles. From toyota to BMW nearly every car company is beginning to produce hybrid cars, but hybrid cars are only a start as companies are beginning to design concept cars which will no longer need gasoline and run only on alternate fuel sources.


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